17 Archives - 扎根家园•深耕民主 https://wongtack.com/archives/tag/17 黄德部落格 Wong Tack Blog Mon, 09 Sep 2013 12:18:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://wongtack.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/cropped-wong-tack-mugshot-32x32.jpeg 17 Archives - 扎根家园•深耕民主 https://wongtack.com/archives/tag/17 32 32 [ Day 17 @ Dataran Merdeka ] … https://wongtack.com/archives/3095 Mon, 09 Sep 2013 12:18:54 +0000 https://wongtack.com/archives/3095 [ Day 17 @ Dataran Merdeka ] Dropping a signature for the future of my child. 冷冷空气里满是爱的味道。 不为风雨所堵因为签下的是孩子的未来。 Source

The post [ Day 17 @ Dataran Merdeka ] … appeared first on 扎根家园•深耕民主.


[ Day 17 @ Dataran Merdeka ]
Dropping a signature for the future of my child.
冷冷空气里满是爱的味道。 不为风雨所堵因为签下的是孩子的未来。


The post [ Day 17 @ Dataran Merdeka ] … appeared first on 扎根家园•深耕民主.

[ Day 17 @ Dataran Merdeka ] … https://wongtack.com/archives/3093 Mon, 09 Sep 2013 12:14:33 +0000 https://wongtack.com/archives/3093 [ Day 17 @ Dataran Merdeka ] 这场大雨, 又再次把暖床给淋湿了。 望着‘溪水长流’ 。。。 望着绿蚂蚁无怨言的陪伴支持,忍受着煎熬,全是清澈透明的爱。 Our little campsite is once again being flooded by the rain, i feel blessed to have the company of the green comrades and their never ending support. Source

The post [ Day 17 @ Dataran Merdeka ] … appeared first on 扎根家园•深耕民主.


[ Day 17 @ Dataran Merdeka ]
这场大雨, 又再次把暖床给淋湿了。
望着‘溪水长流’ 。。。 望着绿蚂蚁无怨言的陪伴支持,忍受着煎熬,全是清澈透明的爱。
Our little campsite is once again being flooded by the rain, i feel blessed to have the company of the green comrades and their never ending support.


The post [ Day 17 @ Dataran Merdeka ] … appeared first on 扎根家园•深耕民主.

[ Day 17 @ Dataran Merdeka ] … https://wongtack.com/archives/3097 Mon, 09 Sep 2013 03:10:55 +0000 https://wongtack.com/archives/3097 [ Day 17 @ Dataran Merdeka ] ” It is so encouraging to see close to 5,000 petition forms being downloaded from our website by green leaders in less than a week. Victory is not far from us now. We must do our best to accomplish our goal before Malaysia Day.” – Wong Tack “在不到一个星期的时间里,绿色领军者从我们网站下载了约5000份请愿书,这是令人鼓舞的进展。胜利离我们不遥远了,我们必须竭尽所能,以在马来西亚日前达标。 …

The post [ Day 17 @ Dataran Merdeka ] … appeared first on 扎根家园•深耕民主.


[ Day 17 @ Dataran Merdeka ]
” It is so encouraging to see close to 5,000 petition forms being downloaded from our website by green leaders in less than a week. Victory is not far from us now. We must do our best to accomplish our goal before Malaysia Day.” – Wong Tack

“在不到一个星期的时间里,绿色领军者从我们网站下载了约5000份请愿书,这是令人鼓舞的进展。胜利离我们不遥远了,我们必须竭尽所能,以在马来西亚日前达标。 ” – 黄德

– – – – – – — – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Bury Lynas with 1,000,000 Signatures
Kuburkan Lynas dengan 1,000,000 Tandatangan

Download petition and start collecting signatures now! www.himpunan-hijau.com 下载“百万签名” 表格, 开始收集签名!

*15 years old is eligible to sign. 15岁以上就有资格签。

1. COURIER 快递>
35, Jalan 2/152, Taman Perindustrian OUG, Batu 6, Jalan Puchong, 58200 Kuala Lumpur. Tel : 016 961 0303]


2. Fax 传真> 09-5600495 / 07-5584496 / 03-51923423


3. Scan and Email 扫描后,电邮> 1msignatures@gmail.com

**Please DO NOT SEND BY NORMAL or REGISTERED MAIL** 请选用[快递]。 不要用[普通] 或 [挂号邮件]邮寄方式**


The post [ Day 17 @ Dataran Merdeka ] … appeared first on 扎根家园•深耕民主.
