blood Archives - 扎根家园•深耕民主 黄德部落格 Wong Tack Blog Fri, 15 Nov 2013 13:17:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 blood Archives - 扎根家园•深耕民主 32 32 How much more blood do you want to spill… Fri, 15 Nov 2013 13:17:30 +0000 How much more blood do you want to spill on our land? 你还想在我们的土地上洒下多少鲜血? 黃德與綠色盛會委員會將代表全馬超過100萬個民眾的聲音,於明日(16日,星期六),下午2時前往日本駐馬大使館要求與日本大使對話,表達我國人民對日本政府及企業參與萊納斯計劃的強烈不滿。 Wong Tack and his Himpunan Hijau committee, representing the voices of 1 million concerned citizens of Malaysia, will be at the gate of the Embassy of Japan tomorrow, Saturday, 16th November 2013, at 2pm to demand for a dialogue with the …

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How much more blood do you want to spill on our land?


Wong Tack and his Himpunan Hijau committee, representing the voices of 1 million concerned citizens of Malaysia, will be at the gate of the Embassy of Japan tomorrow, Saturday, 16th November 2013, at 2pm to demand for a dialogue with the Ambassador.

We wish to express our strongest objection to the Japanese government and corporations involvement in Lynas.


The post How much more blood do you want to spill… appeared first on 扎根家园•深耕民主.
