festival Archives - 扎根家园•深耕民主 https://wongtack.com/archives/tag/festival 黄德部落格 Wong Tack Blog Sun, 14 Jan 2018 11:49:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://wongtack.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/cropped-wong-tack-mugshot-32x32.jpeg festival Archives - 扎根家园•深耕民主 https://wongtack.com/archives/tag/festival 32 32 I pray that this festival may be the start of your brighter days, … https://wongtack.com/archives/169 Sun, 14 Jan 2018 11:49:45 +0000 https://wongtack.com/archives/169 I pray that this festival may be the start of your brighter days, Filled with joy, happiness and hope. Happy Pongal! – Wong Tack. 这两天都到文冬郊区圆丘派发必需品予清寒印裔家庭,顺道祝他们Pongal节快乐! Source

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I pray that this festival may be the start of your brighter days,
Filled with joy, happiness and hope.
Happy Pongal! – Wong Tack.



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At this darkest time, this Festival of L… https://wongtack.com/archives/254 Tue, 17 Oct 2017 11:46:04 +0000 https://wongtack.com/archives/254 At this darkest time, this Festival of Lights brings extra meaning to the celebration. We are hopeful this occasion can brighten the path towards the day the rakyat can live with dignity. Happy Deepavali. – Wong Tack Source

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At this darkest time, this Festival of Lights brings extra meaning to the celebration. We are hopeful this occasion can brighten the path towards the day the rakyat can live with dignity.
Happy Deepavali.
– Wong Tack


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Celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival with Kg B… https://wongtack.com/archives/272 Mon, 09 Oct 2017 00:43:09 +0000 https://wongtack.com/archives/272 Celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival with Kg Baru Perting friends last saturday. 上星期六与玻璃口新村朋友共庆中秋,家好月圆,希望走向前。 Kg Perting, Bentong. Source

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Celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival with Kg Baru Perting friends last saturday. 上星期六与玻璃口新村朋友共庆中秋,家好月圆,希望走向前。

Kg Perting, Bentong.


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Mid-autumn festival DAP Bukit Tinggi las… https://wongtack.com/archives/282 Thu, 05 Oct 2017 10:30:15 +0000 https://wongtack.com/archives/282 Mid-autumn festival DAP Bukit Tinggi last night. 昨天是八月十五中秋节的正日,感谢武吉丁宜的村民,依然在晚上出席我们所举办中秋晚会,实在让人感动。 感谢雪州行政议员欧阳捍华来到昨天的晚会发表演说,他呼吁文冬的朋友在来届大选要支持希望联盟,只有赢下文冬国会,才能有足够的议席让希盟组织政府,才能落实我们所承诺的百日新政。 他也以雪州及槟城政府的成功经验告诉大家,我们绝对有能力及魄力将国家的搞好。 感谢武吉丁宜新村支部的同志把晚会搞得有声有色,我们今晚在吉打里益利胶轮电池有限公司外举办中秋晚会,欢迎大家踊跃出席。 Source

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Mid-autumn festival DAP Bukit Tinggi last night.






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Celebrated mooncake festival with the th… https://wongtack.com/archives/288 Wed, 04 Oct 2017 06:17:15 +0000 https://wongtack.com/archives/288 Celebrated mooncake festival with the the community of Lurah Bilut last night at Tai Ping Temple. Thanks for coming, happy mid autumn festival to all of you. 文冬行动党第五站中秋晚会昨晚在美律谷太平庙圆满举行,感谢美律谷行动党支部执委和党员准备了许多美食招待村民,也感谢雪州百乐镇州议员杨美盈抽空前来一起提灯笼游行和演讲。 我在演讲时要求美律谷的朋友来届大选坚定地支持行动党赢下文冬国席,让希盟全面横扫所有半城乡混合区,凑够112个国席入主布城,终结国阵的六十年暴政。 我特别强调,上届大选,有些文冬选民依然有“部长情意结”,出现部分“国州分投”的情况,最后导致行动党在文冬国会惜败。 下届大选,文冬选民必须紧记,国席的票比州席更重要,因为这关系到联邦政府能不能改朝换代,投廖中莱一票=投纳吉一票,要纳吉倒,就要廖中莱先倒!国家要改变,国州就必须投火箭! #一票定输赢 #希望在人民 #两支火箭一起冲天 #国家要改变国州投火箭 Source

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Celebrated mooncake festival with the the community of Lurah Bilut last night at Tai Ping Temple. Thanks for coming, happy mid autumn festival to all of you.







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Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival at Kg Ba… https://wongtack.com/archives/292 Tue, 03 Oct 2017 06:33:27 +0000 https://wongtack.com/archives/292 Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival at Kg Baru Karak last night. 行动党加叻新村支部昨晚成功举办2017年度中秋晚会,感谢一班劳苦功高的加叻党员,他们才刚刚忙完上个周六的文冬希盟晚宴,就马上投入到中秋晚会的筹备工作,实在是不容易。 大选即将在未来半年内举行,加叻则是我们要赢下文冬国席的前线战区。国家兴亡,匹夫有责,如今每个人都感受到贪腐给经济带来的伤害,但纳吉政权还能有恃无恐,就是因为还有许多人选择助纣为虐,与虎谋皮。 无论如何,我们相信,大部分人民的眼睛是雪亮的,国阵的金钱攻势收买不了人民的良心,来届大选,希望联盟将一举攻下文冬国席,改朝换代,就是现在! Source

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Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival at Kg Baru Karak last night.





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Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival at Kg Su… https://wongtack.com/archives/300 Wed, 27 Sep 2017 10:21:47 +0000 https://wongtack.com/archives/300 Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival at Kg Sungai Penjuring last night. 昨晚我、黄德、政贤及大新在远离市区的“长寿村”宋溪本租令新村举办中秋晚会,与当地村民和小孩一起提灯笼游街共庆中秋,随后一起共享晚餐,气氛热烈,孩子的笑声奔跑声洋溢着整个新村。 在演讲时,我强调来届大选的文冬国会之役,不是黄德与廖中莱的个人之战,也不是行动党与马华之战,而是文冬人与纳吉之战。 若要纳吉继续领导马来西亚,让诸如1MDB的丑闻继续腐蚀着我们的国家,让我们的经济深陷泥沼,导致下一代看不到希望,那就支持廖中莱,因为投廖中莱=投纳吉。 反之,如果我们要二次建国,终结贪污腐败,摆脱种族和宗教极端主义,宋溪本租令和文冬人就必须全力支持希盟,让行动党赢下文冬国会,让希盟凑足足够的议席,入主布城,改朝换代。 今晚行动党的第二站中秋晚会将会在地理望新村举办,欢迎当地村民一起出席共庆佳节。 Source

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Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival at Kg Sungai Penjuring last night.







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I hope this Festival of Lights will illu… https://wongtack.com/archives/1612 Wed, 22 Oct 2014 07:19:32 +0000 https://wongtack.com/archives/1612 I hope this Festival of Lights will illuminate at its brightest this year, the path towards a nation free of fear and injustice, not just for ourselves but for our children. May it brings hope and courage to the people and peace to our land. Have a Happy & Blessed Diwali everyone ! Source

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I hope this Festival of Lights will illuminate at its brightest this year, the path towards a nation free of fear and injustice, not just for ourselves but for our children. May it brings hope and courage to the people and peace to our land.
Have a Happy & Blessed Diwali everyone !


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