Himpunan Hijau has been omitted from the…

Himpunan Hijau has been omitted from the IAEA review. The voices of 1.2 MILLION MALAYSIANS have been IGNORED. You call this stakeholders consultation and transparency??

We have just presented, via our people’s representatives, the petitions to the IAEA panel.

IAEA, 1.2 million Malaysians want Lynas OUT !!!


Bersama kita tuntut penutupan kilang Lyn…

Bersama kita tuntut penutupan kilang Lynas semasa lawatan IAEA hari ini(14/10/2014), jam 3 petang di Hyatt Tlk Chempedak. SEBAR!

我們将于國際原子能機構(IAEA)今天到访关丹时,向当局诉求关闭萊納斯稀土提炼廠!今午3时Tlk Chempedak Hyatt酒店见!请广传!

