短短四天的囚禁, 开朗亮丽的笑容已不复现, 换来的是疲惫不堪的倦容。 恻隐之心,人人皆有! 何况她─Natalie Lowrey,一个远居澳洲的女子,如今身陷囹圄只为了与大马人一起守护家园。 身为苦主的我们岂能蒙蔽良知,对此不闻不问?!26.6.2014 9pm-10pm 让我们在全国的大街小巷一同烛光声援!!!
After four days of captivity, the once cheerful Natalie now looks glum and tired. Natalie has been kept behind bars because she was protesting for our rights and safety. We can’t turn a blind eye to this injustice, we urge everyone to come together in solidarity to fight for the release of Natalie.