We 100% Support Ambiga Sreenevasan 我们全力支持安美嘉

Inspired by Dato Ambiga, 5 years ago today, the first Himpunan Hijau was held at Taman Gelora, Kuantan. Earth Charter was launched.

Fight On! Pilihan di Tangan Kita!!

Did U found any VIP (Very important person) in this video… =)
您可看到安美嘉也一起来欢庆盛会吗… =)


Dato Ambiga needs 100 signatures from YO…

Dato Ambiga needs 100 signatures from YOU before she can go home. COME TO DATARAN !
*A man in a car stopped to sign for Dato Ambiga.

拿督Ambiga需要100个签名, 否则就不能回家。
