” Bury Lynas with 1,000,00 Signatures ca…

” Bury Lynas with 1,000,00 Signatures campaign, failed ? No! We should be proud to have raised more than six hundred thousand signatures, I am very grateful for all the support; and I hope you do not give up until we have achieved our mission. I believe with your support, getting a million signatures can be done.

Despite not being able to raise one million signatures by Aug 24th and today Aug 31st . I will not give up on this. I believe in the power of people, I believe we will continue to fight till the end.

I will continue until I have collected the 1 million signatures. I hope that the people will continue to give their support and help me complete this mission in less than 100 days. Please do not make me wait too long, because waiting is torturing. ”
– Wong Tack
@ Dataran Merdeka on 31st Aug 2013 [Day 8]
