[ Day 16 @ Dataran Merdeka ] …

[ Day 16 @ Dataran Merdeka ]
今晚是YB Lee Chin Chen 李政贤第三次提交连同YB Chow Yu Hui 邹宇晖收集的签名表格。YB Lee Chin Chen 李政贤也会陪同黄德一起睡在独立广场。


[ Day 16 @ Dataran Merdeka ] …

[ Day 16 @ Dataran Merdeka ]
It must be hard for Wong Tack to see his family leaving; its not an easy choice to make; to stand for something and to choose to fight till the end no matter what- ((( Bury Lynas with 1,000,000 Signatures )))
独立广场收集百万签名的第16天,目送家人离开依依不舍的心情有谁能谅解。他仍然选择站稳本身的责任,坚持到最后—((( 百万签名埋藏Lynas )))


[ Day 16 @ Dataran ] …

[ Day 16 @ Dataran ]
“The rain is getting heavier, the place is getting flooded; but we will still be here waiting for your signatures.”
“ 雨越下越大,‘基地’淹水了,但我们依然会坚持在这里等待您的签名。”


[ Day 16 @ Dataran Merdeka ] …

[ Day 16 @ Dataran Merdeka ]
Last night, a couple of pakcik & makcik was asking about us. Once they heard about Lynas, they stop their foot step & seat down to drop their signature.


[Day 16 @ Bentong ] …

[Day 16 @ Bentong ]
Kempen 1 juta tandatangan rakyat kuburkan Lynas dijalankan sekali lagi pagi ini di depan pasar besar Bentong.
