[ Day 26 @ Dataran Merdeka] …

[ Day 26 @ Dataran Merdeka]
Tomorrow will be challenging. I do not know what will happen, whether there will be more harassment from the authorities. But what I do know is, if a million of us stand together, we can achieve extraordinary feat!


[ Day 26 @ Dataran Merdeka ] …

[ Day 26 @ Dataran Merdeka ]
“Every inch of public space in this country is built by the rakyat, for the rakyat. We have the right to be here. If standing on the soil of my own country is wrong, then you will have to lift me out of here.” – Wong Tack.

*DBKL is asking us to leave.

“在这个国家的每一寸公共地方是建于人民, 给予人民的。我们有权利在这里,如果站在自己国土上是错误的,那么你将不得不把我抬离这里。“ – 黄德。

*吉隆坡市政局命令“ 离开现场!”



[ Day 26 @ Dataran Merdeka ] …

[ Day 26 @ Dataran Merdeka ]
“Every inch of public space in this country is built by the rakyat, for the rakyat. We have the right to be here.
If standing on the soil of my own country is wrong, then you will have to lift me out of here.” – Wong Tack.

*DBKL is asking us to leave.

“在这个国家的每一寸公共地方是建于人民, 给予人民的。我们有权利在这里,如果站在自己国土上是错误的,那么你将不得不把我抬离这里。“ – 黄德。

*吉隆坡市政局命令“ 离开现场!”


[ Day 26 @ Dataran Merdeka ] …

[ Day 26 @ Dataran Merdeka ]
“After we’ve exceeded 800k and moving towards our goal, finally the people in position expose their fears in the face of people’s power.” – Wong Tack


[ Day 26 @ Dataran Merdeka ] …

[ Day 26 @ Dataran Merdeka ]
DBKL bukan saja rampas barang drpd tangan pakcik ni, tapi juga saman motosikalnya.


[ Day 26 @ Dataran Merdeka ] …

[ Day 26 @ Dataran Merdeka ]
A clipboard with a stack of signed petitions was forcefully snatched by a DBKL officer from this uncle’s hands. The even tried to grab the bag that he’s carrying.
How sad. We really do not know how to explain to those who have taken the trouble to sign. Their rights to voice their opinions have been stripped in a matter of seconds!


[ Day 26 @ Dataran Merdeka ] …

[ Day 26 @ Dataran Merdeka ]

“No matter how many times you come. No matter how many times you sapu. Nothing can deviate us from our mission. We will Bury Lynas with 1,000,000 signatures from across the nation. That is our promise!” – Wong Tack
我们的核心使命不会偏离,全国人民[百万签名埋葬莱纳斯],这是我们的承诺!” – 黄德


[ Day 26 @ Dataran Merdeka ] …

[ Day 26 @ Dataran Merdeka ]
DBKL datang lagi. Arahan dari atas. Clear dalam masa 15 min atau mereka akan sapu.
受 ‘上头’ 指示,吉隆坡市政局再次到来。限时15分钟里收拾现场,不然物品将被取走。
