Mud ball campaign was launched more than…

Mud ball campaign was launched more than five years ago in Sabah through “To Earth With Love”. The admirable hardworking committee stick to their commitment, pushing forward and expanding the program. I’m glad to see Penampang taking up this Clean river initiative. Well done!


“The Stop Lynas campaign in Australia wi…

“The Stop Lynas campaign in Australia will continue to educate and take action in solidarity with the 1.2 million Malaysians demanding Lynas to shut down its plant, clean up its waste and leave Malaysia.”
“在澳洲的反莱纳斯运动将继续采取行动声援120万马来西亚人,要求莱纳斯马上关闭其工厂,清理废料并迁离马来西亚。 ”


LIVEBLOG FROM MALAYSIA: Campaign to shut down Australian toxic dumper Lynas | Green Left Weekly

Thanks to Peter Boyle at Green Left Weekly for supporting our work to Shut Down Lynas here in Malaysia with the following blog, please follow and Tully Starr and we will also try and keep you all updated. Today we head to Bukit Merah near Ipoh. In the 1980s Asian Rare Earths project caused radioactive pollution and health problems for the community. The rare earth refinery was shut down by 1992 but there is still a legacy of waste – this is why Lynas rare earth refinery must be shut down so history isn’t repeated in Malaysia!

You can also view the live blog at

LIVEBLOG FROM MALAYSIA: Campaign to shut down Australian toxic dumper Lynas | Green Left Weekly

I am currently in Kuantan, Malaysia, with fellow Australian activist Tully Starr, standing in solidarity with hundreds of thousands of Malaysians who vehemently oppose Australian rare earth miner, Lynas Corporation and their highly toxic and radioactive rare earth refinery plant near this city of 60…



[Day #12 @ Dataran Merdeka]
4th Sept, 2013 12:20am

” I rushed to meet Mr. Wong Tack and his team once I touched down KL last night to pass him the signatures which my team of friends and I managed to gather in the past few days.

Don’t just convince yourself to turn up to sign, convince a few more and come forward together.

Do something now before it’s too late! No point feeling sorry, helpless or pity on the victims in future when you can prevent it from happening now.

I have done my part, will you do yours now? ”
– Raymond Wong from Sabah

“ 沙巴绿色同志,作晚一下飞机就赶来独立广场,亲手把‘请愿书’交给我,还有正在签的一部分也将会快递过来, 让我非常感动。” 黄德
