“今早出發到昔加末的半途中,我遇上了隊長George Fong,當下,我抱著一顆真誠的心給予他勸導,仍然要他慎重考慮歸隊的事。
我知道,依George Fong現時的體力,他必定能按原定計劃抵達關丹,然而,如果只是一味追求抵達終點,這埸運動的意義何在?
走在這條環境斗爭的路上,我們的挺身而出不僅僅是為了終結萊納斯,也不是為綠色盛會,更重要的是守護國家,避免子孫後代受到環境污染的禍害,沒有人可以獨自執行這個任務,全體人民必須肩併肩站在一起!”~ 黃德
“This morning, halfway to Segamat, I met George Fong. I told him we have only 10 days left and we are at a very critical moment. This is not about arriving at the destination, crossing the finishing line. It is not about Lynas or Himpunan Hijau. We must understand that the whole purpose of this campaign is to safeguard our beloved nation and to protect our children from harm. No one can do this alone. The whole nation must come together.
I hope George will seriously reconsider. I hope he will come back to lead the team again. We shall conquer all challenges and evilish acts TOGETHER!” – Wong Tack