【Isaiah Walk】…

【Isaiah Walk】
21/6 : From Gambang → Kuantan

Aunty Mei and Mr Woon walking together with Isaiah. Stepping forward to protect our children and homeland is a responsibility all of us must take up. See you on 622!
眉姐和溫先生相隨 Isaiah 踏上前往關丹的路。眉姐,相信大家都曉得毅力堅定的她。溫先生,也是一位勇於保護家園的伯伯。當年綠色苦行,他光著腳丫不辭勞苦的完成苦行。在反稀土廠的路上,一直默默地耕耘,不求回報,只求保護到這片美好的土地。

Coming together to support Isaiah walk! Route pls click in 欲陪伴Isaiah 走著最後一站的,路線請點擊 →
< https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?v=timeline&filter=1&id=156138757834195#!/156138757834195/photos/a.563036060477794.1073741834.156138757834195/582337091881024/?type=1&source=46 >
22nd June, Sunday, 12 noon @ doorstep of Lynas plant, Gebeng.
< https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?v=timeline&filter=1&id=156138757834195#!/156138757834195/photos/a.158671040914300.32666.156138757834195/582343558547044/?type=1&source=46 >


Isaiah Jacob, an OKU has decided to walk…

Isaiah Jacob, an OKU has decided to walk from Kuala Lumpur to the doorstep of the Lynas plant in Gebeng from 16th to 22nd June in support of the ‘622 Shut Down Lynas’ campaign.

This is an extra-ordinary undertaking by a physically challenged person. We have no doubt it will touch all Malaysians.

He has just started his meaningful journey from Dataran Merdeka.

‘Isaiah’s Walk’ :

16 Jun – Dataran Merdeka ke Bukit Tinggi

17 Jun – Bukit Tinggi ke Karak

18 Jun – Karak ke Mentakab

19 Jun – Mentakab ke Maran

20 Jun – Maran ke Gambang

21 Jun – Gambang ke Kuantan

22 Jun – Kuantan ke kilang Lynas, Gebeng
