昨天抵达Kota Kinabalu,今早就被Karamunsing警局请去喝茶询…

昨天抵达Kota Kinabalu,今早就被Karamunsing警局请去喝茶询问关于本人参加 #BERSIH4的事宜。口供只是眨眼间就完成了,其余的一个小时就成了与这位警察的坦诚对话。临走前,这位警察朋友紧握住我的手说:“别放弃!” – 黄德。

Touched down in Kota Kinabalu last night and this morning was called in by the Karamunsing police on my involvement in #Bersih4. The recording of my statement took place only briefly before I turned it into an hour long heart to heart dialogue with the officer in charge .
As he sent me out later, he shook my hand and said, “Jangan putus asa.” – Wong Tack.
