Solidarity with the Orang Asli of Pos Le…

Solidarity with the Orang Asli of Pos Lenjang, Kuala Lipis, Pahang.


原住民的悲歌唱不完, 除了要面对森林被砍伐,也要面对生活环境与生态受破坏的命运,如今在彭亨州 Kuala Lipis,Pos Lenjang 原住民(semai 族)又要面对发展建水力电水霸工程计划,这将造成 约7千600百公顷森林地段被淹没在水底下 ,7+个原住民村落要逼迁及430住户受影响,他们的传统生活与文化将何去何从??!
长期以来虽有外界各志工团体进入深山来探访给他们基本生活协助和关怀,但原住民最大的需要与希望是捍卫和保留一片原始森林土地,虽然说他们的权益是受到森林局法律的保护,可是不幸的事还是发生了! 是谁的手大过天?!
希望原住民的诉求和抗争能得到最后的成功 !
【环境环保课题和使命】是一条长远不停的路要走,需要各界人士不分肤色、团体和政党背景的关注与支持,任何公害环保课题都需要大家的团结合作才能发挥其力量 ! 加油 !!


Global climate change and rise of sea le…

Global climate change and rise of sea levels are real phenomenons. It is a reality that all of us must face particularly for coastal communities. With the continued expansion of unchecked developments and destruction of natural environment with massive deforestation of the upland, we will see the worsening of this man-made natural disasters.

I have repeatedly pointed out that the location of the Lynas plant at a swampy low lying coastal area will pose serious risks to the community concerned. Kuantan was hit by a massive flood last year. This year, right at this moment, it’s even worse. We will never know what will happen tomorrow and the day after.

The risks are real. Nature has sent us the clearest warning. Lynas may be good in lying but this round, the truth can never be covered up.

–Wong Tack, 7 December 2013

Photo credit : Jade Lee
