Make the release of Malaysian Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim from prison a top priority for US…

A petition to the White House has been created. We need 100,000 signatures by March 15. SEBAR!

Make the release of Malaysian Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim from prison a top priority for US…

Anwar Ibrahim, the Leader of the Opposition in Malaysia, a champion of democracy, a believer in Islamic justice, and a longtime friend of the United States, was convicted and jailed on trumped-up charges on February 10, 2015.


“Being a leader, I have always encourage…

“Being a leader, I have always encouraged others to push forward to achieve their goals in life. This is the only time I wanted to do otherwise.

It is too painful to watch Isaiah going through this suffering. Deep inside I want to help him to complete his mission. On the other hand, I feel like asking him to stop.” – Wong Tack.


看著Isaiah面對如此折磨,那種滋味實在太難受了。在我的內心深處,我極其想協助他完成這個使命,可在另一方面,我卻好想叫他不要再走下去了。” – 黃德
