[Admin] 21-22 March @9am, Kuantan Sessio…

[Admin] 21-22 March @9am, Kuantan Sessions Court, the trial begins. Rakyat who fought for the wellbeing of the future generations are persecuted to protect the greedy, evil foreign corporate colonizer Lynas.

To all our 15 courageous Green comrades, we know how much you have sacrificed for us all. WE KNOW and we hereby pledge, that we will stand with all of you til the end!

Terus berjuang! Terus berjuang!

From all of us,
Pejuang-perjuang Hijau from across Malaysia!


On 21st March 2015, we launched the “Rak…

On 21st March 2015, we launched the “Rakyat’s Petition to Free Anwar” campaign.

No one in this country should allow their basic human and democratic rights being so blatantly robbed from them.

Exercise your duty as a responsible citizen by putting down your signature today to restore fairness and independence to our judiciary, and to break free from living under years of intimidation and oppression!

Download the petition form here :

‘LIKE’ our Facebook page :
