113 tables! The support towards our fund…

113 tables! The support towards our fundraising dinner in Johor Bahru last Thursday was a great surprise to us, considering the difficult economic situation in our country. We believe the main reasons are :
1. The amazing influence of our organizing chairman Thomas Wang
2. The people of Malaysia remain committed to uphold justice and are ready to stand by us
3. The people of Malaysia remain hopeful change will happen

Hidup Hijau!


We 100% Support Ambiga Sreenevasan 我们全力支持安美嘉

Inspired by Dato Ambiga, 5 years ago today, the first Himpunan Hijau was held at Taman Gelora, Kuantan. Earth Charter was launched.

Fight On! Pilihan di Tangan Kita!!

Did U found any VIP (Very important person) in this video… =)
您可看到安美嘉也一起来欢庆盛会吗… =)


Lent support at the press conference out…

Lent support at the press conference outside Sg Buloh prison this afternoon with leaders of PKR where a joint statement by former world leaders calling for immediate release of DSAI was issued.
Even global leaders have come together for DSAI. Therefore, responsible Malaysians must wait no more. Let’s rise up to uphold justice. Put down your signature now and record your effort in the struggle to #FreeAnwar! – Wong Tack.

Download petition form here :


There is so much support out there for M…

There is so much support out there for Major Zaidi, can we translate that into more Ka-Ching for him and his family?

Please share and throw in some money of your own. Just RM23,114 to go, think we can make it before our deadline?
