

第二天,我安排Khalpanah 到吉隆坡诊所做检查,在给予她彻底检查后,医生说她需要服用抗生素6个月。Calvin医生听了Khalpanah 的困境,愿意赞助Khalpanah 一切的药物费用,直到政府医院有库存或其他赞助人。Calvin医生也给她父母做免费身体检查。

两星期前我再去探访Khalpanah ,很高兴见到她康复了,她非常聪明活泼;还向我展示了背诵ABC的能力。担忧了几个月,今天Khalpanah母亲脸上终于露出了灿烂的笑容。

我对Khalpanah说:“妳明亮的眼睛让我想起了Dato Ambiga,有一天我会带妳去见见她,希望妳像Dato Ambiga一样勇敢,引领人民前进。“

About two months ago, I visited a family with a 4-year old little girl, Khalpanah who is bogged down with an illness that has caused her to have high fevers repeatedly for months. The doctor at a government hospital has warned that if not careful, her life will be at risk. Unfortunately the medicine she was prescribed was out of supply at that time. They have to get it from private pharmacies, which her parents couldn’t afford. Her father is an odd-job worker with no stable income. Her mother, who is diabetic and has high blood pressure, used to be a peddler selling fruits. She has stopped working to stay home to take care of her daughter.

Because Khalpanah’s parents couldn’t provide accurate information on her illness, I arranged for the family to be brought to a private clinic in KL the next day. After giving Khalpanah a thorough checkup, the doctor said she needs to be put on antibiotics for 6 months. But upon hearing the family’s plight, the kind Dr Calvin, offered to sponsor her medicine either until its back in stock at the hospital or when we could find a sponsor. He even gave her parents a checkup, with no charge as well.
Fortunately, the medicine is now available at the hospital.

I visited Khalpanah two weeks ago and I was so happy to see her amazing recovery. She was so bubbly and even showed off to me her ability to recite the ABCs. It was also good to see smiles back on her mother’s face after months of worries.

I told Khalpanah, “Your bright eyes remind me of Dato Ambiga. One day I’ll bring you to see her. I want you to grow up like Dato Ambiga, a person of courage who is an inspiration for the people.”

– Wong Tack 黄德
