
We NEED YOUR HELP to send in ASAP all PHOTOS and VIDEOS taken on 22 June 2014 of the :

1) ‘622 Shut Down Lynas’ protest in Gebeng especially of police violence and brutality towards the people,

2) Incident at night outside the Ibupejabat Polis Daerah Kuantan where a group of thugs came and beat up the people. The police not only did not take action to protect the people but shut their gates to those who tried to seek refuge, including a heavily pregnant woman.

Why does our authorities continue to protect Lynas, to the extent of even willing to inflict harm on our people?

The photos and videos will help in the cases of fifteen of our comrades who were unlawfully arrested on 622 and whom will be charged in the Kuantan court at 8.30am, Tuesday 8th July 2014.


Exercise your duty now to uphold justice for our comrades who have courageously stepped forward to protect our children and country. Please send the photos / videos to : 622.himpunanhijau@gmail.com

Our comrades who will be charged :

1. Chong Kong Yuen
2. Foong Poh Choo
3. Hew Kuan Yau
4. Ho Kam Huat
5. Lee Khai Ming
6. Phua Kia Yaw
7. Rapar bin Ahmad
8. Raymond Ng bin Abdullah
9. Ta Weng Seng
10. Tan Chee Hooi
11. Thomas Wang
12. Wong Chee Wai
13. Wong Chee Wen
14. Wong Tack
15. Zamri bin Zanal
