They are on their way, how about you? Se…

They are on their way, how about you? See You 622!

#Shut Down Lynas! 22nd June (Sun), 12 noon @ doorstep of Lynas plant, Gebeng.
#终结莱纳斯! 6月22日(日),中午12时@关丹格宾莱纳斯稀土厂。
• 16/6→ 22/6 :300km Isaiah Jacob Walk from D.Merdeka → Gebeng, Kuantan •
“作為一個障友,我知道生活可以有多難,我更知道擁有殘疾兒童的父母所要面對的痛苦。因此,我拿起了這個挑戰,並願意經歷這樣的艱苦,以響應終結萊納斯運動。我不希望看到一個孩子或家庭因遭受輻射污染而面臨椎心刺骨的折磨。“ – Isaiah Jacob
“As an OKU, I know how difficult life can be. More so, I know the pain felt by parents who have handicapped children . Therefore, I’m taking up this challenge and willingly go through this suffering as an effort to support the Shut Down Lynas campaign. I don’t want to see a child or family suffer due to radioactive pollution.” – Isaiah Jacob.
•15/5→ 22/6: 2800km Green rides from D.Merdeka→ Gebeng, Kuantan •
“[铁马长征,622终结 Lynas] 15號啟程 · 38天 · 穿越36城鎮 · 踏出2800公里綠色騎跡!不管路有多遠、自己的能力有多少,都隨分隨力盡量去達成目標:終結萊納斯!
[2800km Green ride, 622 shut down Lynas] 15th kick start · 38 days · across 36 towns · 2800km green bike ride!Regardless how far the journey is or how capable we are, we do our best to reach our goal: Shut Down Lynas!
