“ 明智投票就是一票给行动党,一票给回教党 ”。 …

“ 明智投票就是一票给行动党,一票给回教党 ”。
21/4/2013 BN’s campaign advertisement in all Chinese newspapers :
[ vote wisely, one vote for DAP, one vote for PAS ]

“ Yes! Vote for both DAP and PAS. We share the same goals! ”
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On BN’s campaign advertisement in all Chinese newspapers that claimed “a vote for DAP is a vote for PAS”, Lim said the message is exactly true as every vote for PAS, DAP or PKR is a vote for Pakatan Rakyat.
“Supporting PAS is also supporting DAP. We share the same goals,” he said, holding a Chinese newspaper with the advertisement.
The full-page colour advertisement appeared in all mainstream Chinese dailies, warning Chinese voters that supporting DAP will lead to the implementation of Islamic policies including the ban of female performers, cinemas, parties, entertainment and foreign celebrities.
However, the message at its bottom that read “vote wisely, one vote for DAP, one vote for PAS” has become a laughing stock within Pakatan supporters in cyberspace, saying that the advertisement is calling the electorate to vote for both DAP and PAS.
