by Himpunan Hijau
29 July 2017

Lynas hasn’t changed! Since day one, Lynas, has been lying to the Malaysian people. The recent announcement by the CEO of Lynas, Amanda Lacaze of their so-called success in converting Lynas’ toxic radioactive wastes into farming product clearly shows that Lynas has now gone completely bankrupt in corporate credibility.

“In order to cling on to their last breath, Lynas continues to use cheap lies to cheat their way out of complying with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) requirement for a Permanent Disposal Facility (PDF)”, said Wong Tack chairperson of Himpunan Hijau.

He added, “It is impossible for Lynas to convert their entire toxic radioactive wastes into any commercial products

If what Lynas claimed is true, wouldn’t this be a major international scientific breakthrough and made world news? Wouldn’t the CEO of Lynas proudly announced it at a world stage rather than at a Hari Raya open house function? Wouldn’t the share price of Lynas immediately shoot through the roof with such significant announcement?”

Our demands to Lynas :

1) Tell us who are the scientists involved in this so-called research? What are their credentials and track records? Which scientific institutions are they attached to?

2) Give us the full report detailing the methodology of their so-called successful R&D in converting toxic radioactive wastes into farming products

3) Organize a public forum to meet and explain to the people, as Amanda had promised 3 years ago but yet to be fulfilled to this date.

“Lynas must stop making all these manipulative statements. Any corrupt practice and cover-ups by any government agencies on this matter will not be tolerated because our children’s well-being is at stake”, said Wong Tack.

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