我很欣賞女主人Puan Sri Sabrina syed 及她的团友们,虽然生活富足,但从来没有忘记自已身为一个公民的职责,为了社会公义及绿色环境,他们愿意付出和站出來不断发言来对抗那些不負责任的环境破坏者,一切都是为了下一代及国家的美好 ! (Sabrina就是前几天坐直升机拍下文冬山林被过度开发的那一位女环保分子)
让我们大家一起努力吧 !
The first Raya open house that I’ve attended which was hosted in a beautiful natural environment setting.
I must say Puan Sri Sabrina Syed and her group are enjoying the best of life, material wise. Yet, they never forget their civic responsibilities. They have willingly and relentlessly stepped forward, made sacrifices, spoke up on injustice and took direct actions to challenge irresponsible environmental destruction. These are the people who still have the heart and soul for our children and this beautiful country of ours.
Together We Fight On!
– Wong Tack 黃德