[Admin] 为民主之声掀开新篇章: 今早黄德出席由国会主办的国会议员汇报会。这次终于能从容自若地以国会议员的身份进入…

[Admin] 为民主之声掀开新篇章: 今早黄德出席由国会主办的国会议员汇报会。这次终于能从容自若地以国会议员的身份进入国会,不再是紧握拳头和撕心裂肺地呐喊,不再挣扎和受打压。今后的国会将会成为新马来西亚发声的平台, 致身于国,还政于民将会是国会议员的的使命。
A new chapter : the means to have the voices of those who have been oppressed and advocating for the changes to be heard prior to this, was by way demonstration/protest that was deemed illegal, cut short, detained and struggles that seems no end. But a new chapter is here. A Malaysia baru. Empowered by the people, this place now is a new platform to fight and for the voices to be heard.
