

在此,我诚懇的邀请各方好友在4月16日(星期日) 下午一点正来到文冬这间爱心休息站坐坐,并一起共餐,我非常期待与你们共聚,到时见!

Over the last 2 months, so many people have poured their hearts and sweat to create and build a place for me to work and rest in Perting village, Bentong. It may be just a humble home but it’s so full of love.
I’ll like to invite everyone to a simple housewarming reception on the 16th April (Sunday) at 1pm. It would be a great opportunity to meet up with friends and comrades.

– 黄德 Wong Tack

GPS : 3.520862,101.905411
