Something is wrong and it doesn’t take a genius to figure this out. This shoul…

Something is wrong and it doesn’t take a genius to figure this out.

This should be sufficient to get alarm bells ringing and do something quick!
– Dr Zaki Zainudin, water quality specialist

The Kuantan Bauxite issue

I’ve reviewed thousands of water quality datasets, both local and overseas. I memorize the limits of critical individual parameters for each class of the National Water Quality Standards (NWQS) as well as sewage, industrial and otr regulations and standards.

The purpose of doing water quality monitoring/analysis is to establish the water quality status of a water column, to see whether the water quality is good or bad; whether there is contamination or not. Contamination can be visible or discreet. Analysis particularly helps detection of the latter.

In the case of the bauxite mining issue in Kuantan; the streams, rivers and even coastal areas have turned red! This… More
