“昨晚不断的在想着锒铛入狱的拿督斯里安华,让我无法入眠……    在判决后,我试图说服自己,安华的入狱,只会激起人民把革命的意识推到另一个新层次。实际上我是…


“Couldn’t sleep last night, thinking of Dato Seri Anwar…

When the verdict was passed, I tried to convince myself that what has happened to Anwar will only strengthen the people and bring revolution to a new height. I was in actual fact trying to console myself to avoid emotional sadness.

But as the night sets in, I couldn’t help but think of him suffering in a miserable cell. I couldn’t sleep after that, got up and started chanting for him.

I hope every one of us can reserve a little space in our heart and mind for him and his family every day. Let us always be with him in this struggle till the very end.” – Wong Tack.

Photo credit : Keow Wee Loong
