When I saw the state of our green cyclists yesterday, totally exhausted and burn…

When I saw the state of our green cyclists yesterday, totally exhausted and burn out after only 5 days into their 39 days sacred mission, I decided that I will pedal with them. The stretch that I have chosen, the 100km Taiping-Penang, is one of the longest. I don’t know how far I can go but, as in everything I do, I will give my 100%. I hope my participation will give a bit of courage and added energy to the cyclists to continue to push forward. – Wong Tack

“長達39天的神聖使命已經歷了5天,當我昨天看到綠色騎士們筋疲力竭的狀態時,下定決心與他們同行,而我所選擇從太平到檳城的100公里路線,是其中一段最長的旅程。儘管我不知道自己到底可以騎得多遠,但一如既往為自己所做的一切全力以赴。我希望自己的參與能給騎士們一點鼓勵和補充能量,繼續挺進。” ~ 黃德
