Day 02 This family who lives 50km away travel here daily to send food and wa…

Day 02

This family who lives 50km away travel here daily to send food and water to Wong Tack and his team mates. 这一家人一连两天,来回100公里路程只为了给黄德和绿色战友递送食物和水,让人感动。

*Himpunan Hijau is currently camping out 24 hours a day outside the Lynas Headoffice at 56, Pitt Street, Sydney until the Lynas AGM on 29 Nov.
*目前,绿色盛会每天24小时在莱纳斯总公司56, Pitt Street, Sydney的门口扎营抗议,直到11月29日莱纳斯股东周年大会。
