Himpunan Hijau would like to express our greatest appreciation to all our green …

Himpunan Hijau would like to express our greatest appreciation to all our green comrades from across the nation. Without their tireless dedication this mission would have been impossible. For the past sixty days, come rain or shine, they have pounded the streets of this nation, set-up booths at busy corners of our towns and cities, knocked on doors, pleaded and explained to strangers and some even verbally abused. Some have spent their days and nights at the road divider next to Dataran Merdeka for the past 36 days. Such extraordinary efforts by ordinary Malaysians is truly worthy of respect. The spirit they displayed have truly touched the hearts of millions of Malaysians.

绿色盛会借此对来自全国各地的绿色战友表示衷诚的感谢,若非他们的努力不懈,这一项使命将无法圆满达成。在过去的60天里,他们风雨无阻地在全国各个角落的繁忙街头设置签名站、挨家挨户的敲门、向陌生人解说,有的甚至遭受无礼的辱骂;另外立广场旁的交通岛上,度过了36个日与夜。这个由 平凡的大马人做出的非凡事,他们都值得拥有大家的尊敬。他们所展现的高度精神亦感动了百万个大马人的心!
