#Day 28th @ Dataran Medeka This lovely couple are on the way for wedding photog…

#Day 28th @ Dataran Medeka

This lovely couple are on the way for wedding photography from PJ. They stop by at Dataran Merdeka to sign the petition! 这对新人正赶着去拍摄结婚专辑的路上。他们特地前来独立广场签署支持。
850,000 tandatangan telah diperolehi!
850,000 mark crossed! 跨越85万大关!

Let’s charge towards the finishing line! 让我们一起向终点线冲刺!
Only 150,000 to go. 距离目标只有15万!

If you have not signed, SIGN NOW.

If you have not gotten the petition form to solicit signatures, GET IT NOW. 如果您仍未获取请愿书,现在就拿一份吧!

If you have not submitted the signed petitions, SUBMIT NOW!
Download petition and collecting signatures now! www.himpunan-hijau.com 下载“百万签名” 表格, 收集签名!

*15 years old is eligible to sign. 15岁以上就有资格签。

Submission 提交(Faster!赶快!):
→Fax 传真 09-5600495 / 07-5584496 / 03-51923423

~OR 或~

→Scan and Email 扫描后,电邮 1msignatures@gmail.com

*( Just choose either one way to send in the signed form. To avoid any duplicate submission!Thank you!请选用其中一种提交方式,以免重复!谢谢 )*
