By Himpunan Hijau
12 November 2016


We call upon people from across the nation to come together on 18 November 2016 to commemorate the sacrifices and suffering that the GreenWalkers have gone through 4 years ago.

“Let’s walk again, this time for BERSIH”, said Wong Tack, chairperson of Himpunan Hijau.

At this critical juncture, when our country is facing the darkest time, when the peoples’ frustration is high and morale is down, we must restore the spirit of the people. We cannot afford to give up now. There’s too much at stake – the wellbeing of our children and the future of this nation.

“We must remember, change doesn’t come easy and it takes time. At times we may move forward a yard, at times just an inch. But as long as we don’t give out, step by step we will reach our destination”, said Wong Tack.

He added, “We may not be able to witness victory in our lifetime but our children will, only if we don’t give out and continue to move forward”.

On the night before the Bersih5 rally in Kuala Lumpur, let’s come together at the majestic mountainside town of Bukit Tinggi, Bentong, which is a mere 30 minutes drive from Kuala Lumpur. Thousands of people and hundreds of cars are expected to be there on that night to experience another groundbreaking GREEN for YELLOW initiative.

We have put together a string of programs including performances from local artists, speeches from grassrootenvironmental groups leaders and screening of videos/slideshows. We will then embark on our mission to light up the entire hilly route from Bukit Tinggi to Genting Sempah. We hope this light will illuminate across the country and ‘shine the darkness away’.

“Let’s reignite the flame of hope in our souls and restore strength to the people”, said Wong Tack.

It will be a very spiritual moment for all, especially those who have participated in the Greenwalk. We hope to touch thousands more who have missed it previously and hope they can join us this time.

Details of event :
Date​​ : 18 November 2016
Venue​​ : Bukit Tinggi

Program :
9:00pm ​ Receive the Bersih’s Torch
Performances/ Screening of
video/slideshow/ Speeches
11:00pm ​ Walk from Bukit Tinggi to Genting
Sempah(via old road)
Convoy from Genting Sempah to
