PRESS STATEMENT, 5th JULY 2013 Himpunan Hijau : Liong Tiong Lai must come clea…


Himpunan Hijau : Liong Tiong Lai must come clean on the Lynas issue


Himpunan Hijau : Liong Tiong Lai must come clean on the Lynas issue

Himpunan Hijau is glad to see Liow Tiong Lai, though no longer holding the position of health minister, still came out with a statement calling for transparency in dealing with the Lynas issue. However, which version of his statement is honest and true?

To date, Liow Tiong Lai has presented to the people three different versions of his statements with regards to how the massive radioactive toxic wastes generated by the Lynas Advanced Materials Plant (LAMP) will be dealt with.

At the beginning, he said the cabinet has decided that the radioactive toxic waste from the LAMP must be shipped out from the country. Later, he said the wastes will be processed into commercial by products and then exported out of the country. And now, he’s talking about a permanent waste disposal facility (PDF) inside the country.

“I believe Liow Tiong Lai is either trying to confuse the public or he himself is totally confused on this matter,” said Wong Tack, chairperson of Himpunan Hijau.

Wong elaborated, “After Liow made his first statement that the wastes must be shipped out, we have informed him that there will be international restrictions on transboundary shipments of hazardous wastes. In addition, Australia has repeatedly announced that they will not take back Lynas’ wastes. Furthermore, no leaders of any country with the right mind will allow radioactive toxic wastes to enter their country. Thus, we know clearly that this option is not possible.

“Still, Liow Tiong Lai has repeatedly announced that the cabinet is firm on this decision.

“He even said that Lynas has agreed with this condition for they have already signed a Letter of Undertaking. From the way Liow puts it, you would have thought that it’s an iron-clad legally binding agreement. But turns out, it’s merely a primary school three line letter which states otherwise. Even the ex-CEO of Lynas Corporation Nick Curtis came out with a contradicting statement to Liow’s!

“So, we know all these are lies, lies and more lies!

“Later, after all these fiasco, Liow said that the wastes will be made into commercial by-products which will be exported out, another of his lies with the intention to mislead the people.”

“Himpunan Hijau has seriously warned all the authorities concerned that the processing of radioactive toxic wastes is a dangerous and risky industrial activity. A detailed environmental impact assessment (DEIA) must be carried out before this industry can be allowed to operate in this country. We need detailed technological proposal and scientific data to verify the possibility of such activity. Furthermore, according to the Oeko report findings commissioned by the Save Malaysia Stop Lynas (SMSL) group, this option has been brushed off as ‘scientifically and technically nonsense’.

“And now, he’s calling for total transparency in dealing with the PDF. If he truly believes in his earlier decision in shipping out the waste in whatever form, then the construction of the PDF is no more a necessity.”

Wong advises, “If Liow Tiong Lai is sincere about what he says and truly cares for the people, he must, right at this moment, obtained the proposal which Ewon Ebin claimed he has received from Lynas on 2nd July 2013 and disclose to the people.

“And as the chairman of the Lynas monitoring committee, he should not avoid his responsibility. He must come forward and explain to the people the reasons for the total absence of the monthly operating EIA report over the last six months.

“For someone who’s at the end of his political life, while still clinging to power, I hope Liow Tiong Lai will awaken from his conscience to do something honest and help the people resolve this issue.”

Steering Committee of Himpunan Hijau

